My name is Amanda Ray Newman. As a keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, artist, and storyteller, I help people rekindle their creativity to activate their passion and reignite their purpose. Connect with me to see how we can roll down some windows and color outside the lines together.
After I tapped the brakes because…reflexes, I noticed a furry head sticking out the back. As our paths crossed, the bliss on the K-9's face was undeniable. Despite my circumstances, I smiled, his joy contagious.
A K-9 has a tremendous job. Being constantly on the alert for bad guys must be a heavy responsibility. I love that his handler knew it was valuable to roll down the window and let his sidekick simply enjoy the ride.
Maybe you're a little like that police dog…carrying the weight of an intense job. If so, I encourage you to periodically pause and remember it's ok to roll the windows down and enjoy the ride. Maybe you're the one in the metaphorical driver's seat. This is your nudge to notice your people are working hard and could use a creative break.
Creative breaks are like turning up the music and rolling down the window on a sunny day. They don't diminish your value or compromise the significance of your role. They put gas in your tank and remind you why you chose your path.
My smile faded as my gaze shifted from the happy K-9 to my beloved five-year-old golden retriever, Raleigh, in the back seat. I rolled down the back window so he could enjoy the ride to the animal clinic for an emergency surgery he ultimately did not come home from….
I pondered the implications: We don't have to wait for burnout or our health to crash. Our days and minutes are never guaranteed. Making the effort to nourish the parts of us that bring sheer joy is time well spent. When we view our creativity as essential, we are able to tap into unique abilities and reserves. Maybe we all should roll down the window and feel the wind in our faces today. Our life is a collage of tiny decisions. Make yours meaningful!