News — scary

Here goes nothing...

Here goes nothing...

What is the ace you keep up your sleeve?  What is the one thing (or is it even multiple things) you secretly hold on to?  Your safety net, your just in case?  I think there are many reasons we guard these pieces for ourselves. For me, I am facing the reality head on that I have spent years clinging to my ace because I am afraid that playing it will reveal that my hand isn’t actually good enough.

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Because I just felt Fancy Today...

Because I just felt Fancy Today...

My heart kind of froze a little when she walked in this morning, bedhead, sleepy eyes, carrying the flower girl dress she wore so beautifully this weekend.  Mommy, can I wear it to school today?  I saw Brad's big eyes, but then I saw the light of bravery in hers.  She doesn't always choose to be  brave.  She tends to be more of a quiet observer.  She doesn't love the spotlight, even though you would probably not know it.  She has more confidence than she realizes.  I said "yes, of course you can wear it.  You will look amazing.  Go...

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