News — kitchen
That Time I Almost Hated the World's Biggest Canvas...

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it. It was the largest canvas commission of my career. So big that you can't purchase pre-stretched canvases that size. I would have to build it. Totally not intimidating at all... I had learned how to do that in a scene painting class once, in theory, at least. Fifteen years ago.... what could possibly go wrong? Bless my heart. I researched and talked to people. I worried and planned. Once we finally built the giant, painting it would be my sweet spot—or so I thought. Generally, by the time...
Out With the Old, In With the New

This weekend, the plan was to rearrange our bedroom. Friday, I accidentally went to Home Depot, bought some paint, and repainted the kitchen--surprising Brad when he came home from work. Like..surprise! you married an idiot! For the next several days, our house was a complete disaster. No room--honestly not many spaces were unaffected. He married a creative, he knew what he was getting-ish. I literally didn't have a plan. I just had a whim, and went for it. As we lived around my great ideas for several days, we hashed out different ways we could shake things up and...