News — girl

Silence YOUR Inner Critic: Your Daughter will Thank You

Silence YOUR Inner Critic:  Your Daughter will Thank You

"I'm not good at that." It started with small, little snippets of self-doubt.  I should have noticed.  I should have stopped it sooner.  I'm her mother, after all….unfortunately, I'm also really gifted in the art of negative self-talk.  Maybe I missed it because what should have been a red flag has been given a space on my shelf, a narrative I frequently read and accept as normal.    It took flares of anger, where self-hate spewed out of my sweet girl like a volcano I assumed was dormant.  I was shocked.  I argued back--NOTHING you are saying about yourself is...

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Here goes nothing...

Here goes nothing...

What is the ace you keep up your sleeve?  What is the one thing (or is it even multiple things) you secretly hold on to?  Your safety net, your just in case?  I think there are many reasons we guard these pieces for ourselves. For me, I am facing the reality head on that I have spent years clinging to my ace because I am afraid that playing it will reveal that my hand isn’t actually good enough.

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Lady in Chains

Lady in Chains

I was standing by her in church one Sunday, when I felt an urgency to pray for her during worship. You see, I knew what was going on in her life.  I knew how overwhelmed she was with anxiety and fear.  It had been a rough season...The lies of the enemy were loud, and she was believing them.  She was at the point where she just could not see truth for the fog.  It's so hard to watch the people you love suffer.  It's also hard to know when and how to speak truth to them, so I specifically started...

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Out With the Old, In With the New

Out With the Old, In With the New

  This weekend, the plan was to rearrange our bedroom.  Friday, I accidentally went to Home Depot, bought some paint, and repainted the kitchen--surprising Brad when he came home from work.  Like..surprise!  you married an idiot!  For the next several days, our house was a complete disaster.  No room--honestly not many spaces were unaffected.  He married a creative, he knew what he was getting-ish. I literally didn't have a plan.  I just had a whim, and went for it.  As we lived around my great ideas for several days, we hashed out different ways we could shake things up and...

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The Most Unsuccessful Perfect Birthday Party

The Most Unsuccessful Perfect Birthday Party

Somehow my little boy turned twelve. I’ve basically always been a 12 year old boy. I love the cheesy jokes and laugh WAY too much when somebody toots or trips when they were walking.  The older my kids get the more I like them. So far having a preteen has been endless fun.   This year, we decided to look completely at what Asher loved and plan a party from there. This seems obvious, but if I’m honest, most of my kid’s parties have been just as influenced by impressing the grown ups as reflective of our children’s desires...{thank you...

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