What a Difference Time Makes...Or Does It?

I was eight months pregnant the last time I was at Universal Studios.  We were youth leaders, and it never crossed my mind not to go.  This weekend, we were back with teenagers.  
What would I tell that almost mama?  

What a difference time makes….and yet, in some ways, nothing changes.  Thinking back, I have never once regretted saying yes to an adventure.  Much like childbirth, there have been times in the middle when I was 100% sure this would be the one that would defeat my adrenaline junkie heart, but by the time the ride was over, I was laughing and ready to go again.  

Seventeen years ago, I spent a hot weekend in September with a bunch of teenagers who kept me up late and left notes in my pitted edema ankles because I loved them and wanted to invest in their lives.  Loving people is the best investment you can make.  They piled into the hospital room and fought to be the first to hold baby Asher.  They were eager babysitters and, to this day, send texts when they need to talk.  I am pretty sure I was miserable on that trip, but I don't remember that part.  I remember laughing.  
The quote, "Nobody remembers the days they spent watching TV," nudges me out of my comfort zone. The cool thing about choosing to be uncomfortable is that it sets you free to live. What if we didn't make so many decisions in the weeds of our preferences? Will we laugh? Will there be people we love involved? Then say yes. I've found I can get over almost anything as long as I can access caffeine. Figure out your priorities, and then let the annoyances go.
Your life is a compilation of small decisions.  When you're tempted to take the path of least resistance, to say no, or to be lazy, having pictures of adventures with your people nearby will remind you why it's worth it to power through.  That bump outgrows you before you even know what happened, and you will want a million yeses to be your relationship glue.

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