How We Accidently Wound Up in the British Virgin Islands

I say yes….it's my favorite word.  That's how we ended up on a catamaran for a week in the British Virgin Islands.  In full transparency, saying yes sometimes means I sleep on a stranger's floor.  It's not always boujee, but this time it was. 
It's an adventure marriage sailing trip--one of the many ways Winshape invests in healthy marriages.  Our buy-in was minimal; they took care of the rest. 
I'm still not sure how to unpack the week.  Brad and I went into it wondering if it was a mistake to say yes.  Long-term areas of our lives that have been stuck for YEARS started shaking simultaneously, and nothing in our world felt secure or settled….We missed our son's birthday and a group camping trip we look forward to all year.  Sometimes, saying yes to the best thing means saying no to amazing things.  Choices. 
Before the crossroads, it's crucial to determine your family values and let them guide your decisions.  
Quality time with low stress is magical.  Being in nature and experiencing new adventures is life-giving.  Meeting new friends who quickly dive into the emotional deep end reminded us how full the world is of people we cannot wait to meet. 
I don't know what your marriage needs right now, but make the effort.  Spend the money, sacrifice the time.  Ask for help, ask for ideas.  One of my dream clouds for next year is to put together lists of ideas for how to make your marriage more fun.  I love my marriage even when we are mad.  I love my man even when we struggle because I decided to.  I want to enjoy our marriage.  I want this relationship to be the most life-giving and important one because he's my forever bestie.  If you need to remember how amazing your spouse is, sneak away for a weekend.  Say yes even when you don't have time--maybe especially when you don't have time.  In the meantime, I'll be here to encourage your marriage until my last breath.

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