
All the Way Home

All the Way Home

What does the path your life is on feel like? Has it been a scary, fearful flight through a dark and looming forest? Has it been a leisurely walk through the woods, picking flowers, yet wandering aimlessly? Has it been so focused on a goal that you’re exhausted and sweaty? What season are you in? Winter? Summer? Spring? Fall? Have you found the path that leads to the clearing where you can suddenly see? What was your journey like before you met Him?   How did you find the narrow path that lead to Him?   Did someone invite you...

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Our Marriage Turns Golden

Our Marriage Turns Golden

Last week we were blessed with so many rainbows that I spent my time outside scanning the horizon, expecting to see one each day. It was glorious. We were at the beach with my brother and his family. I spent way too much time trying to take a funny picture of my five-month-old niece as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It turns out it's all about shifting your perspective.    Today, Brad and I celebrate 21 years of marriage on July 21. As only a teenage boy can, Asher's reaction was:  but why couldn't you...

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It’s Time to Abort our “Life” Strategy

It’s Time to Abort our “Life” Strategy

It wasn’t the first, and sadly wouldn't be the last time I would sit with a friend in her shattered brokenness, our tears blending into puddles when she finally trusted me with her deepest shame: the story of her abortion. I knew her. I knew her faith; I knew her passion for the Lord. The thing I couldn't understand until that moment was that her knowledge of the depths of His tenderness and love flowed out of a walk she had taken alone with Him through darkness.   As we untangle the current Supreme Court decision, I have read so...

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The Power of Life and Death is in the Tongue

The Power of Life and Death is in the Tongue

I didn't even notice Jesus was training me….isn't He sweet like that? If we knew where things were headed…We would probably freak out. That's how I found myself sitting on the front pew, low-key praying not to throw up or trip, but most importantly, to say nothing that would fall anywhere outside of the boundaries of God's truth to a church full of women. Me...Speaking...In public...Like a grown-up. I was shaking when worship began. I love to worship:  to get lost in it, picture it, and let my mind calm and settle into whatever image or memory the Lord brings...

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Rethinking Worry: What if it's a Spiritual Gift?

I'm not one to worry or overthink things. Can I be honest? Is it safe to share raw truth? I can be kind of critical of people who are. If you are in my days and minutes, and you are a worrier, you probably aren't shocked at this confession. I've rolled my eyes at you, and I've made jokes. They aren't mean; they are trying to be funny, but also... I don't have a lot of patience with worry. A couple of years ago, we adopted the world's perfect dog. He is so sweet and gentle. His one problem is...

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